What Is Wet Brain? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome takes the first part of its name from Wernicke encephalopathy. This condition is separate from Korsakoff syndrome, although the two are closely linked and usually considered different phases of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke encephalopathy presents as the early symptoms of wet brain mentioned above, and it’s an acute, short-lived condition.

Long term brain damage from Alcohol occurs when the hippocampus region undergoes deterioration from long-term drinking. This region of the brain is responsible for the creation of memories. Alcohol and permanent brain damage are also connected because drinking destroys brain cells. When a person starts to develop wet brain from Alcohol, symptoms will differ depending on what stage they’re in.

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Recognizing the brain disorder early means that medical treatment can be sought before the disease progresses, preventing life-long complications for some. Yet, many alcohol abusers are unaware of the disease and therefore may fail to seek proper medical treatment. In fact, sometimes wet brain is only detected because an individual chose to seek treatment for their alcohol use disorder and addiction professionals recognized the symptoms. These are not the only benefits of attending rehabilitation for substance use disorders. Other health conditions caused by chronic alcohol abuse like other brain disorders, liver damage, heart disease and cancer may also be avoided, reversed or prevented from worsening. Moreover, those struggling with addiction can heal and rebuild healthier, happier and more productive lives.

final stages of wet brain

There is no distinct testing method for diagnosing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Instead, doctors will perform a thorough medical examination and analyze a patient’s symptoms to determine the presence of neurological https://ecosoberhouse.com/ damage. Early tests typically include an eye exam to analyze a patient’s eye movements and pupil alignment, and a physical test to study the patient’s gait, reflexes, and muscle coordination.

Wet Brain Syndrome and Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism interferes with the consumption, absorption, and activation of thiamine in your system. The wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is actually the occurrence of two syndromes. Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome are two separate conditions though they commonly occur together because they are both caused by a thiamine deficiency. Wernicke encephalopathy usually occurs first and causes damage to the thalamus and hypothalamus, which are in the lower part of the brain. Seeking help from an addiction treatment program is crucial for individuals suffering from wet brain syndrome, as the disorder will progress if alcohol consumption continues.

final stages of wet brain

The signs of wet brain can be hard to spot, especially if you have chronic alcoholism. This is because early symptoms of wet brain are similar to those of intoxication. However, if you experience these symptoms when not intoxicated, you might be experiencing wet brain. An addiction to alcohol, also known as alcohol use disorder mush brain (AUD), is a disease. While wet brain is caused by heavy drinking, often, a person is trapped in a cycle of drinking by their addiction. Even though the symptoms of the second stage of wet brain syndrome can’t be reversed, medical professionals may still administer additional thiamine through an IV or supplement.

How Sobriety Helps Restore Brain Health

Doctors will help patients identify a more well-rounded diet of vitamin B1. While wet brain isn’t curable, early detection can help treat symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. These signs — coupled with a doctor’s awareness of the patient’s alcohol addiction —could lead to further neurological testing.

There are many health concerns related to heavy alcohol consumption. One of the most debilitating illnesses is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, also known as wet brain. Wet brain affects males more than females and the sufferer has a 10-20% chance of early death.

Detection and Diagnosis

It all depends on when the thiamine deficiency starts to affect the brain. To begin the journey back to health, alcohol recovery will start with the detox and withdrawal stage. When someone who was in the late stages of alcoholism, such as someone with wet brain, the detox process can become risky. It is very important for a person to get help overcoming alcohol use disorder, especially before they develop chronic conditions like Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The best process for most people is to get professional help to safely detox from alcohol and then progress into a complete rehabilitation program.

  • Wet brain signs and symptoms are important to know if a person wants to avoid the issue.
  • With the proper treatment and management, it’s possible to reverse the damage the condition has caused to your brain.
  • Treatment often involves hospitalization and significant, long-term lifestyle changes.

If you or a loved one suffers from end-stage alcoholism, there is hope for recovery. Future patients can gain knowledge on different facilities and discover what treatment options are available. The early stages of wet brain are known as Wernicke encephalopathy. Wernicke encephalopathy causes brain damage in the lower parts of the brain called the thalamus and hypothalamus. Regardless of what term is used, wet brain, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, or alcohol dementia, it all describes the same medical condition.

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