How to Add Background Image in HTML using CSS Complete Guide

This is useful if the text is dynamic and coming from the backend as part of the initial HTML. Additionally, you can transform images programmatically with SDKs or simple URL parameters. Cloudinary applies changes dynamically, leaving your original images intact. That means you can modify images on the fly as your site design evolves and as you support more devices and screen sizes—a huge convenience and time saver. You can create elaborate effects or compound changes for images with CSS.

How to add image in CSS

While creating image and text overlay effects using native CSS is pretty easy, it has some downsides. Let’s create the hero section of a landing page using the following hero image as background. Just like we added text on top of images, we can also add images over other images using native CSS properties.


Images positioned as relative stay inline with the flow of your page content as the user scrolls. The position property specifies how to render webpage elements, including images, by defining them as static, relative, fixed, absolute, or sticky. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), you can style your site and transform the related images.

  • Floating an image is a start; however, all other content will align directly against it.
  • In general, the best practice here is to include the controls Boolean attribute unless there is a good reason not to allow users to start, stop, or replay the video.
  • By and large, the most commonly supported formats online are gif, jpg, and png images.
  • Using absolute paths when there is no need to specify a specific file system location is a good idea.
  • Additionally, you can transform images programmatically with SDKs or simple URL parameters.

There can be several of them, separated by commas, as multiple backgrounds are supported. From here the possibilities are endless and leave room for a lot of creative expression. These effects help the user have a pleasant experience when visiting your website.


The image’s background-image property can be used to refer to another image that is not on the page. Using the background-image property, you can point to a specific file that is stored on your server. When referencing a file on your server, you can use the file src property. If you don’t want to change the src attribute of an img to a different image using HTML, you have two solutions to get the image to display in the browser using CSS. Technically speaking, gradients are just another form of background image. The url() value allows you to provide a file path to any image, and it will show up as the background for that element.

You can transform images by setting their scale, skew, rotate, or perspective parameter through the transform property. Furthermore, combining transform with JavaScript or animation modules creates movement or rotational images. Remember my newsletter where I talked about inserting backgrounds with CSS? In the same way you can insert images in the backgrounds of your web pages, you can do it with any other element.

Image Types to use in Background Image

Masks alter the visibility of an element by either partially or fully hiding it. Masks are used to make content more visible by providing a proper contrast. You can also use our Flexbox generator to set up the desired flexbox settings.

For example, you can create static or sticky positioning for the graphics, define backgrounds and borders, resize, and create cool filters to show off the artistry. This feature can help improve accessibility by providing a fallback color when an image fails to load. The size of the color swatch can be set with the background-size property.


There are some pretty amazing patterns you can create using this technique. You can also use background-image to sprite images, which is another useful method for reducing HTTP requests. Sign up for free now to transform your image files quickly with easy integration methods. What’s more, that static image stays in line with the content of our web page when the user scrolls it down.

How to add image in CSS

Instead, we’ll use the element, with a src attribute, nested inside the element to define a new source. Several other attributes may accompany the src attribute on the element; the most popular include autoplay, controls, loop, and preload. In this event, it’s common practice to use CSS to resize the images. Today, we can freely use images, audio, video, and inline frames knowing that this content is supported across all major browsers. We browse the Internet in search of interesting and informative content, which we usually find in the form of plain text.

Image overlay displaying text on hover with a zoom effect

This marks the end of our introduction to the basic syntax of the background-image property. If the image is smaller than the tag of which it’s the background, it will repeat in order to fill in the tag. The same markup format, with multiple elements for each file type and a plain text fallback, also applies within the element. Specifying either a width or height will cause the other dimension to adjust automatically to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.

How to add image in CSS

If you publish HTML outputs, you may want to style your images, for example, you could add a border around all of your images. To style images in HTML, use CSS to create the styling, upload the CSS file to your HTML layout, and then republish. Finally, we can use different properties to style an image in CSS. We can create borders, such as rounded corners, for our image using CSS. When creating a border for an image, we use border property with options for width, color, and style.

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